Absolute first rate investigative journalism on a global crime against humanity. The fact the Chinese never took the m-rna jab makes me suspect the Germans only took the yellow batch from Biontech? Otherwise, Drosten and the 3 German scientists would have allowed their own fellow Germans to get poisoned knowing their Chinese colleagues were never going to take it nor their fellow Chinese??

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Well, the "yellow" batches came on-line later than the more toxic "blue" and "green". But, as far as I know, the supply chain for Germany was entirely different than for the rest of Europe. In any case, the official supplier was BioNTech, not Pfizer. So it is a serious question whether the German supply was as toxic as elsewhere. The early adverse event reporting suggests that it was not. See, for instance, here: https://x.com/KoudijsHenk/status/1499851173838430208. The graph is from Wouter Aukema. No one has ever explained the discrepancy.

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Only two explanations are possible. Incredibly lucky or incredibly knowing. Reiner Fuellmich was doing an excellent job explaining many discrepancies until his luck ran out. Emerald Robinson posted a link to a CCP General back in 2005 that is chock full of malignant intent and information on bio-weapons as the "preferred" tool for accomplishing a variety of nefarious goals. Thank you for your great courage, clarity, charity, commitment, and sacrifice.

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Apr 24Liked by Robert Kogon

Published on preprints Basel in Feb 2020 then curioysly immediately withdrawn just after sending the preprint for information on HIV Inserts to the French health ministry olivier veran


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Apr 25Liked by Robert Kogon

Despite a word-for-word search for your article in The Daily Sceptic, Google buries it pages deep in my search results. Algorithms.

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Yup. Google does this to *all* of my Daily Sceptic articles, maybe to all Daily Sceptic articles regardless of author. I will have to test the latter hypothesis. I've noticed this and intend to write about it. It needs to be exposed.

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