Thank you a million kerzillion times.

I have been asking "what about Pfizer being entirely subsumed into Biontech?" for two years now, at Bailiwick News, as well as Due Dlligence and Art.

Never a peep of response or acknowledgement.

So, I am necessarily very, very glad to find this. Have posted the articles on my substack. Before knowing you have one. Glad to be here.

This is very important. There's something that stinks to high heaven about this, all along, and I wouldn't doubt what's at the bottom of the way all "whistleblowers" from the industries just ....never had a clue? Somehow had zilch whatever to say about "Biontech"? Sure, Sherlock.

What happens with "stocks" under this kind of arrangement? Are you financially savvy enough to explain this? Can this give stockholders "cover" of one sort or another? Stinks. To. High. Heaven.

skunks smell nice, this don't

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Well, definitely unquestionably protection for BioNTech. Protection for BioNTech revenues and profits and thus for sure protection for BioNTech's stock price. Why the AGs are playing along, I don't know. There seems to be a tacit agreement throughout the US political class, including in DC, not to mention BioNTech and more generally the German role. Maybe a matter of protecting an ostensible "ally". I don't know. But as ignorant of the rest of the world as these people undoubtedly are, they cannot not know. BioNTech's name is all over the relevant documents. They cannot not see it.

And, yes, it is extremely odd that Due Diligence and Art and Bailiwick (if it's the case, do not really read it) do not mention BioNTech and it makes them seem like inauthentic actors. Facts are facts, and the fact is that BioNTech owns the product. To not acknowledge this or even to obscure it behind all sorts of abstruse theories obviously neither helps the cause of enlightenment nor that of justice.

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PS "Ed Dowd"

? stays clear of stockholders? they all do...

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Mr. Kogon...enlightenment and justice is not their bottom line....as the Pharmas have become the largest guaranteed money makers on the planet, I'm sure that Congress' facilitation of their agendas has come with lots of "stock options". Mr Kogon, anyone as spent a lifetime with a "career" in any well paying industry is 90 to 1 sure to have invested in Pharma Stocks. I think the answers are all to be found there, and why hasn't anyone come up with those important records? I will guess here, lazy and very ill-equipped machine-wise, that at this point,this research may be greatly obfuscated at this time, except for those with knowledge of where to go and how to get in there adequately. One thing no one's "industry insiders" that they get "info" from have volunteered.

Basically, what I've witnessed in these past years, is that industry insiders who helped create this bullshit are looked to with their "ex-pert-ise", ex-pertinance, to explain the jargon and dissemble it. And lead us out of where they so profitably led us into!! Doesn't make sense to me. Folks are so addicted to listening to bullshit they don't understand, and repeating it. It's funny, really.

As one of my readers pointed out this morning...seems Biontech is playing same role in Germany as Moderna in US? What do you say to this? I need to dig deeper, and I'm going to ask James Corbett to address this. Maybe an interview with you?

Moderna and Biontech: Frankensteins? Sorta? At least now I have some back-up for saying in the past years that Germany still runs the world. I knew it was all military by March 2020. Easy. Two steps forward, one step back. Bailiwick confirmed.

I have a hard time accepting that neither Latipova nor Yeadon ever noticed any military agencies as part of their "contracts" and "grants" , or whatever. I mean, really? What with Pfizer fined 2billion3hundred millions in 2006? No one had a clue? The 1986 Prep act didn't say "Fascism" to them? It's right there on the Great Seal, the fasces.

I do my best thinking in one to one communication. Seems to me, just now, that wherever there is war, there is fascism. Takes a lot more than ideals to house, clothe, feed, travel and arm an army. No wars without banksters. Always for profit.

My Engels/Marx prof in 1969 could find no adequate refutation of my pointing out that there is no such thing as "profit", only stolen resources and labor. Took him more than a week to come up with some lame quote from Engels. So there's that.

I'm going to send this question to Mr. Corbett now. He's the best clear and level headed researcher and presenter, overall, for my orientation. Do reach out to him if you're inclined. His work is stellar. Love to see the two of you dig into this. And as far as those who' ve studiously ignored this, pass 'em by. Leave 'em where they want to be. They'll be finding ways to jump on the wagon anyway, they're money makers. That's their bottom line. They censor. Flagrantly. Those who feel disempowered are dangerous. That's one of the basic "set ups" of these "societies".

And "disaster capitalism" is all that's left of the old dying man. That's why the continued focus on the disasters, and no moving out of it. Hey, those Mordor Towers shouldn't be hard to figure out! They're more important to deal with than any of this, and all that comes with them. Very little focus on this. Why? As usual, it's what they don't talk about that matters. They invested their lives in the system, and they're not about to let that go. It's gonna be a bloody battle , and as usual, the middle class will go after the poor, and the elite will be entertained. Been happening all along. There's a lot to be said about some "whistleblower's" evident feelings of "safety." they claim no fear from their revelations, yet so fear some of their commenters....doesn't add up.

The Middle Class IS the political class. Liberal governance is based on "interests". The Middle Class does the dirty work for, and is the buffer for, the elite. Always convinced the elite are their friends, and the poor their enemies. They are the political class because they are the entirely manipulated caste/class.

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My guess would be its much easier to sue a domestic vs foreign corporation with deep pockets. And if your intent on achieving higher political office its important to go after the Darth Vader of American pharma.

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The Star Wars analogy is apt, because Darth Vader wasn't the root-cause villain. The Emperor was. :)

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The vaccine makers have blanket immunity from prosecution agreed by Trump for that to be so. The US Government pays for Pfizer's Defense and any monetry rewards made against Pfizer, so really the Tax Payer ends up paying the bill, as per usual.

The only way that Pfizer can be held to account is if the vaccines are found to be Gene Therapy Injections and not vaccines at all, but with so many who have profitted from Pfizer's vaccines in a money way, that is ulikely to happen, isn't it?

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Although the public funding supporting Moderna is widely recognized, Pfizer-BioNTech executives have claimed that the company did not accept any US government support to develop its vaccine. However, Pfizer-BioNTech would not have been able to develop an mRNA covid-19 vaccine without the licensed technologies emerging from research funded by US taxpayers.23

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Additionally, BioNTech was awarded $445m from the German government to accelerate covid-19 vaccine development and to expand manufacturing capacity.36 The private investment contributions made by Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech to this work are likely substantial, but their scale is unknown and not specifically disclosed on public filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

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These "individual" companies are not. It's an incestous family dynasty just as Vanguard, Black Rock, and State Street are.

Old old story. Ever read or watch "The Fall of The House of Usher"?

Grandma took me to see Please Don't Eat The Daisies, I was very young. It wasn't playing anymore, so grandma, being awesome, said okay, let's see this one.

There are no coincidences.

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From a 36 year old German male, three months ago:

" We have to build new weapons because two thirds of the old ones aren't good anymore, and we have to go to war, because of Putin. "

Sigh. Didn't bother responding.

:Putin met with Macron in Paris day before they kicked off their fun Ukraine exercise in Disaster Capitalism.

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If this is a consumer protection case, are the consumers rights against the organisation which sold the faulty goods, not the original manufacturer? This is just a suggestion based on some old UK law studies, so no vituperation needed.

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we are under worldwide military law...all former "laws" need not apply

they made themselves a whole new batch of "laws", as they always do, for themselves to profit by

Bailiwick News

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President Trump declared a national emergency in March 2020, making the pandemic eligible for government action under the Defense Production Act.

President Trump said he invoked the Defense Production Act more than 100 times to facilitate Operation Warp Speed.

President Trump for the US Army, purchased Pfizer's vaccines on 21st July 2020. Trump was the only person with the authority he gave himself, to be able to do that with his "Operation Warp Speed".

DOD-ATI-Pfizer-Technical-Direction-Letter-OTA-W15QKN-16-9-1002- 21 July2020 (7.86mb)


The Department Of The Army US Army Contracting Command – New Jersey Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey 07806-5000 for a Large Scale Vaccine Manufacturing Demonstration (Pfizer, Inc) for the total approved cost to the Government for $1,950,097,500.00

You will find Operation Warp Speed mentioned in that contract, in the 3rd paragraph down.

Trump, world wide, by 23.6.2024 has killed over 2 Billion people so far with his vaccines, as above and with Biden's continued help, together, they can exterminate the better part of the rest of 6 billion 250 million, down to 250 Million left; for: “The masterplan [to vaccinate the world] was done by none other than the Wellcome Trust, NIAID Anthony Fauci, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (specifically Dr. Chris Elias), Dr. Gao from the CDC of the People’s Republic of China and a whole host of others who sit on what is called the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board,” Dr. Martin said.

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"The Trump Card" had a lot of help. Could not have done it "alone".

This shit show was already decided on by the late fifties. Ask Deborah Tavares. She has the proof.

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link please?

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A "masked" computer repair guy destroyed lots of my files. This can't be found anymore anyway, taken down. Deborah Tavares' site is stopthecrime.net. You'll have to petition them for their saved copies. She posted these two videos in early 2020. I don't have the monies to get folks to pay attention. Evidence is easily destroyed in this disembodied realm. ASk for the two "US Govt. Science Educational Videos" for the public, aired on TV in the late fifties. One is about "steering hurricanes", the other about "a worldwide flu-like pandemic in 2020". One is from 1956, one from 1959. They use fixed star astrology to plan events and time periods. That's what it is, a map of time. See EDith Hathaway's article: Jupiter Saturn 2020/The Tipping Point.


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brilliant, big TQ

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welcome, why I'm here

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Well, Coronavirus was first made in a Bio Lab in 1996, Moderna patented their Covid-19 Neucloids virus in 2013 and the US Supreme Court passed into Law, with World Wide coverage, that when a ModRNA DNA Synthetic Patented, lab made, vaccine (ring any bells) changes a Human's DNA and Human Genome, they are no longer Human and all Human Rights are lost, they are new species with zero Rights, because they never existed on this planet before - and when - why 2013 of course!! - as above.

I don't need to see what others write - I am a free thinker and I use my own resources to project and discover what I think is happening, by my Right as a Not Vaccinated Human with all of my Human Rights intact.

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do we like Dr. Martin? perhaps a pinch of salt is needed when one digs deep(er) into his work. asking for a friend.

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oui is a french proverb...do YOU "like" him? if yes, why? if not, why?

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don't like him ('glib' is an adjective that comes to mind). at this time I've no time/interest to further make my point, but will put out this article (long read, but well put together) that's critical of his work - https://mega.nz/file/RFJThbSY#ZQHwhVX_hZYs5j9feL6Ime8jbPWhUQLRhyvp2inQibs

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thanks, will read. I heard what he had to say and moved on,early on. He remains in a limited discourse , seems to me. As so very many do.

Everyone plays a role, many of us will never quite be sure what our role was.

As someone folks can "not like" quite easily, I don't look to like or not like who I'm gleaning info from. Take what I need and leave the rest.

We're each and every one of us uniquely positioned in time and space, and differently embodied. Each of us is coming from a limited perspective. We need all perspectives to figure this elephant out. No one can see it all.

"Familiarity breeds contempt". Ask any too-long married couple.

The greater part of the art of living lies in seeing out own frailties, foolishness, and failures, and letting true humility return us to compassion. To suffer with.

I know that anyone I don't like probably didn't like me first. And I really can't blame them. I'm quite the pain when on some crusade. The Corona war was a stupid crusade. Back to feudalism we go. All so retarded.

And the white coats....sigh. What a show, eh?

Then again, I fairly detest Mal-one. Yucky piggy eyes lying fool. My fake halo needs shining again.

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if I have to look at him and listen to him, I'm not capable

he better hope we never meet...last time I tried, I couldn't get past five minutes

but I'll check it out, thanks

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Hi Mary-Lou. Personally, I don't know Dr.Martin from a bar of soap, or for that matter, you either. As you probably realize by now I'm against the vaccines and I try to put people off from taking them, with a preference to my free salt water cure for viruses instead which have kept me safe and illness free for over 31 years so far. Anyone who publishes anything which undermines vaccines and the damage they do - and there is tons of material on that, is my friend, and I'm likely to pass it on.

At the back of my mind are 2 arguments - The Elite are trying to kill us Human Rubbish off and these vaccines are how they are going to do that - OR - the vaccines are a new way to make medications which manage illnesses by changing some of the component formula's in them - which so far have been a total failure.

I don't know which applies, the one or the other - I hope for the best but I expect the worst and I rely on my free salt water cure instead, as I hope you and many others do as well and then my job is done.

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