Here is how you can publish the article. Copy the link. Go to archive.md. Paste the link in the top box. It will archive the article. Then you can share the archive link with everyone.

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I understand your frustration. Can you not reproduce the article currently behind a paywall here?

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I will publish elsewhere and let you know here. Unfortunately, this means that the totally bogus buzz will go unchallenged, which is essentially all that I do in my work: to challenge buzz with facts. Even more unfortunately, once the buzz has subsided, if it has gone unchallenged, then it acquires the status of established fact. But I will make sure the facts are at least available. They need to be public not confidential.

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Jul 5Liked by Robert Kogon

Thank you.

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Here is how you can publish the article. Copy the link. Go to archive.md. Paste the link in the top box. It will archive the article. Then you can share the archive link with everyone.

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We really must ask ourselves what is the driving ideology behind all of this EVIL?

-Is it Zionism?

-Is it communism?

-Is it Nazism?

-Is it scientific dictatorship?

-Is it all of the above acting together?

It is essential to understand the organizing philosophy that is driving this totalitarian, evil, and relentless attack on mankind, because only then can it be targeted, opposed and destroyed.

In understanding what is the ideology driving this evil we can also then identify the structural elements of organization that the globalist cabal are using to organize and to seize control of all levers of power.

I have recently come to the conclusion that what we are living through is the culmination of 2 millennium of the Zionists Evil Empire - and I name them as Zionists, not Jews, because this captures all the useful idiots in all religions that are pushing the bullshit 'We are living in the End Times' doctrines - which are based not on what any alleged "God" is doing, but absolutely based on the EVIL EMPIRES actions following the BIBLICAL PLAN OF ACTION!!!!!!

And the purpose is exactly as it is spelled out in the "religious" texts - a world dictatorship by the god of the Bible, both the Old Testament and the New Testament, that just happens to be entirely based on the stories of the ancient Annunaki, as told by the Sumerian texts - which gave rise to the Sumer Empire, the Babylonian Empire and countless others following the same evil prescriptions of totalitarianism - Rules and Slaves!!!! Under a Crown Monarchy System.

The Zionists are the hidden evil hiding within, which have been there for millennium following their plans under the guise of religions, pushing humanity into chaos, catastrophe, and conflicts, spreading nothing but misery, poverty, and death with their endless wars for empire.

And the quest for a World Dictatorship - which is the quest of the Crown Monarchy System - and what the FAKED religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam were all based on - they created the myths of "God" - whereas for the majority of history before that for tens of thousands of years mankind knew, even the Romans knew, that there were no gods, because the gods were men!!!!

Men appeared as gods to the common man because they had advanced technology, were fierce warriors, but most importantly they were BETTER FED and so stronger, healthier and taller - whereas the slaves were kept in ignorance, hunger and weakness - which STUNTS human development.

-Giants = well fed

-Slaves = runts.

This totalitarian evil that is relentlessly attacking us today is based on an Evil god, the god of the Christian bible and the god of the Jews, Yahweh, who they chose because he was based on Anu, the evil king of the sky-gods of the Annunaki, who claimed to be the ruler of all the universe, and hated mankind, and insisted we remain as slaves, insisted we could not eat of the Tree of Knowledge, so remained ignorant, and could not eat of the Tree of Life, and so remained with short lives - these are the stories of the Annunaki - and the Garden of Eden was a CONCENTRATION CAMP FOR SLAVES not some bullshit paradise in the fake narratives spun for the common man and told by priests that were the only people who could read and write - remember for the majority of history the majority were ILLITERATE - kept that way by the ruling elites.

The hidden Zionist Evil Empire is the true EVIL attacking humanity. It is run by the bankers, billionaires and monarchies - and through their Money Monopoly they have enslaved all mankind, and the CBDCs is just a NEW EXTENSION of that SLAVERY SYSTEM - and on top of that they run global MONOPOLY CAPITALISM - where they have monopolized every industry on earth.

They have enslaved mankind with DEBT - sovereign debt, corporate debt, household debt - everywhere you look is a sea of debt drowning humanity - and this goes hand in hand with TAX-SLAVERY - where the governments take our wealth, health, and life's energy and hands it over to the BANKSTERS and their MULTINATIONALS - driving up the parasitic wealth extraction generation on generation -

Want to know why the western nations are falling apart at the seams - this is why. The richest people in the world are taking it all. Bankers, billionaires and monarchies. The monopolists who want everything. These are the true communists. These are the true fascists. These are the true totalitarians. And they are funding every single nasty little program that is attacking mankind today. All roads lead to bankers, billionaires, and monarchies.

And they are all ZIONISTS.

The Zion Evil Empire is the empire of totalitarian monopolists that hide within our societies and create monopolies on everything, so they can run everything with Top Down Tryanny, and STEAL ALL THE WEALTH. And they are a GLOBAL TEAM - they are a CURSE on mankind.

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speaking of Rules and Slaves.....

"We really must ask ourselves"

Says Who? Try, "I really ask myself." Thank you.

I might read it then.

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Lol - are you serious.

Read it or don't read it.

Makes no difference to me at all.

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Somebody could just archive the Article without paywall on Archive.is or archive.org...

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Thank you. If it stays behind the paywall, then I’ll also publish it elsewhere.

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thanks for that

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It comes as a surprise that a German national can work for the US government. But of course, a lot of what is in the government has Israeli passports, so I suppose that lots of exceptions exist for those that sit in high places. I remember not being able to get a job at the VA when I was on a green card.

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Well, as touched upon in the article -- which, to my dismay, I've now discovered is behind a paywall! -- she has been in the States a long time. So, I would imagine she also now has US citizenship. Dual citizenship is no big deal in the States. But she got her first job at the FDA not long after first coming over for a post-doc. So, I don't think she would have had citizenship then. The odd thing is that she was in the position she was to assess Germany's "star" vaccine for the FDA and no one seems to realize she's German. If it was precisely, say, an Israeli assessing an Israeli company's drug, you can bet that someone like Massie would have made an issue of it.

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yes I could only read part of the article. When I came here I was strongly disadvized of keeping my former Belgian nationality. I was told by the immigration services that the US does not like it if you do and that it is considered disloyalty to the new country. You can imagine what I thought when I found out last year that so many Congress members have Israeli passports as well. And when I applied at the VA it was for a kitchen job. Obviously they thought a Belgian woman would poison the veterans? as they do themselves probably? (veterans are used to test drugs on, my late friend told me, her husband was there)

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yes, a soldier is sold to die

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sadly evident from that photo, if you look at each eye separately, that like Jenn Saki, her handlers have been brutal to her. Women who make those top positions go through hell. Heavily tokenized, and heavily used and abused.

I don't think there's much worse we could do to them. They've been destroyed as humans.

I just learned today that basically, all the Thai just had to line up and take it. The foreigners had their choice, as they had to pay. What a nightmare.

I just want to begin to create the path ahead. You know they're coming up with a far crazier hallucination next time.

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