that is what happened in Belgium years ago with Vlaams Blok. All the parties glued together so Vlaams Blok who had a majority of the vote, could not get into the coalition. This is IMO a form of non-government. I think it should be outlawed. The people vote, and then the uppeties decide against the vote of the people.

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However, as I recall, Belgium did just fine without a formal "governing body" for one and a half years.

And when they can pass no new laws, it's only a win. For everyone. "Out-lawing" the ability to pass no new laws presents a bit of a nodal twist there, doesn't it? Forever in the split realm of binary-dualities.

When it comes to "non govern-ment", I'm all for no one ruling my mind. They can fuck off. Seriously. Whether "elected" or "self-selected". At home, our in public, in society, wherever. No one tells me how to think. End of story.

So of course I've never "voted" for anyone to rule my mind. I might ask why you insist on it? Who's mind do you want ruled? Your own? Or "others"?

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Belgians MUST vote. you are Belgian, there is an obligation to vote or you will be fined or locked up, there was no choice. Here in the US you may vote. Big difference. Hard to understand for people who have a choice indeed.

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same same for Australia

I explained to a young woman once who was upset that I refuse to play this game, that if voting is about "having a choice", then my choice is to not participate.

It's not about any choice if you can't say no.

You have to fight to be free. We fight, and we're not polite. That's why we have it "better". And make so much less money, and have nearly no social services anymore. And zero mandated maternity leave, just like Saudi Arabia.

After all, this is a European colony.

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Mr. Kogon...the entire planet is under military rule at this time.

What of these bread and circus staged shows?

Same old same old. Same same but different. Spinning wheels, same old rut.

We need to leave them all behind and make our way forward without them. They belong to the past, which they seek to repeat endlessly.

This memory of planetwide catastrophe which fear seeks to repeat again and again. That imposed shadow of the nodal twist which turns everything backwards.

We're about to enter a third Mercury retro through a Gandanta Zone. Wanna know what's gonna happen, look at that in relation to all the individuals' charts. It'll be there.

There's more to the picture than meets the eye.

Study the whole, not the parts. They don't need these sham/shamed governments anymore. They've indoctrinated the populations so that their ruling has become embodied in practices. The people rule themselves as the masters have taught them to.

It's pathetic. Watch it rot. All things fall, and dead stuff rots. Rust never sleeps.

There's no truth to be found in politics or politicians. Their job is to obliterate truth.

Money, Sex, and Power. Keep that in mind.

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First of all, she's female. So, that's unacceptable . She doesn't wear a "suit", therefore, doesn't "belong" amongst the "suits".

It's so easy to tell who the bad guys are. They wear the same costume for how many decades, or centuries, now? Then there's the ones who wear "robes"/dresses. The priests and monks. The religious "suits". So simple. Cover wrappings. BUSINESS.

Once again, and my apologies to all the fine middle class folks who are just peeping out of their safety zones-hidey holes, the hippies were right.

Don't Ever Trust A Suit. To state positively: Suits Are Deceptive and Untrustworthy. They are stage costumes. A "staged" existence. The whole world, right Shakey?

So simple. But no one "believes" it's simple, 'cause being "smart" is being "complex" in this system of deceptions.

Except for the ones who have the sense to value their senses, and pronounce the emperor naked.

Only one way any elections or selections ought to happen.

Line them all up naked on a stage and let the people decide. NAKED...as they are.

End the bullshit. Or it will end us. Mostly already has.

Disclaimer: Met an awesome suit once. Leaving a mid town Manhattan office building after bringing baby grandson to grandma's work place at lunch for the girls to meet...hit the sidewalk, headed for the trains, and when crossing an intersection with sonny nursing, a suit coming the other way actually stopped, put his briefcase down on the ground, and began to applaud me and thank me for nursing my baby freely. 1973, springitme, the Big Apple. A real sweet bite of it there, for both of us.

Hope he ditched the suit, and had a lovely nursed family life.

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