The historic score of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally in the first round of French legislative elections last Sunday has created great anticipation that Le Pen’s party might be able to form a government after this weekend’s second-round runoffs. But a tacit electoral pact between Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon (seen above) will ensure that this does not happen.
Mélenchon, who is widely accused of coquetting with anti-Semitism to attract Arab immigrant votes in France’s troubled urban ghettoes or “banlieues”, is the leader of La France Insoumise — roughly, “Rebel France” — and he has assembled a rag-tag band of radicals and “center-left” has-beens in his “New Popular Front” electoral alliance.
“Everyone against Le Pen!” is the watchword. Even if this “everyone” includes anti-Semites, Islamists, “antifa” and terror apologists…
For the details, see my new article at The Daily Sceptic here.
that is what happened in Belgium years ago with Vlaams Blok. All the parties glued together so Vlaams Blok who had a majority of the vote, could not get into the coalition. This is IMO a form of non-government. I think it should be outlawed. The people vote, and then the uppeties decide against the vote of the people.
Mr. Kogon...the entire planet is under military rule at this time.
What of these bread and circus staged shows?
Same old same old. Same same but different. Spinning wheels, same old rut.
We need to leave them all behind and make our way forward without them. They belong to the past, which they seek to repeat endlessly.
This memory of planetwide catastrophe which fear seeks to repeat again and again. That imposed shadow of the nodal twist which turns everything backwards.
We're about to enter a third Mercury retro through a Gandanta Zone. Wanna know what's gonna happen, look at that in relation to all the individuals' charts. It'll be there.
There's more to the picture than meets the eye.
Study the whole, not the parts. They don't need these sham/shamed governments anymore. They've indoctrinated the populations so that their ruling has become embodied in practices. The people rule themselves as the masters have taught them to.
It's pathetic. Watch it rot. All things fall, and dead stuff rots. Rust never sleeps.
There's no truth to be found in politics or politicians. Their job is to obliterate truth.
Money, Sex, and Power. Keep that in mind.