I have a particular interest in this critical link between BioNTech and Pfizer, which has been so successfully concealed here in the United States. Great job getting your hands on the labels and application.

Two minor observations about interesting (to me) information in the label and application:

1.) I notice that BioNTech's "Application to Market" was submitted on "05-06-2021" on an obsolete DHHS FDA form with an "Expiration Date: March 31, 2021." (See upper right corner of application.) Something fishy there.

2.) The storage temperatures on the "Pfizer" label and "BioNTech/Comirnaty" label differ slightly AND only the Pfizer label provides storage temperature conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit. To me, that is a subtle revelation that the "FDA approved" Comirnaty version was never intended for U.S. distribution.

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Not just in the States. I think it's only in Germany that no one could possibly be in doubt that it's BioNTech's drug. Throughout the the rest of the West at least, this fact is being covered up.

Thanks for the observations. I had noticed that too about the expiration date and didn't and don't know what to make of it. It is indeed odd..

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I wonder if the updated "Application to Market," valid for use on 05-06-21, is available to compare. There may be a question BioNTech was avoiding by using the expired form. It seems unlikely at this level that it's merely a clerical error.

(Hard to trust a pharmaceutical marketer who cannot comply with the simplest of requirements, like using the right form for permission to poison the world.)

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in Germany the "authorities" prolonged the expiring date various times. Maybe that's the reason. I think all these confusions about names and dates and responsibilities are kind of on purpose. "no one to blame". But even the German critical side is very often talking about Pfizer this and that although BionTech's owners had been looked at like saints. it doesn't make sense. Seems we've got a big problem to identify, who is responsible for what and when. The German Paul-Ehrlich-Institut allowed BionTech the first clinical trials on very dubious circumstances. At first they had 4 variants of the stuff been tested. and then continued with a 5th variant, without doing the preclinical trials and phase 1 and 2 trials. I came to the conclusion that the whole thing was mainly driven by Germany. Germany had been facing big scandal with VW then Wirecard. "Public Health Politics" have a long (and deadly) history in Germany. I know, I am pretty alone with this opinion, and to be honest, I wished someone would prove me wrong.

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I first stumbled upon the adress "Kupferbergterasse..." On BionTechs's website, it isn't mentioned. But then I found it in the pfd attach for Comirnaty for professionals: it says:


Pharmazeutischer Unternehmer

BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH

An der Goldgrube 12

55131 Mainz


Telefon: +49 6131 90840

Fax: +49 6131 9084390



BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH

Kupferbergterrasse 17 - 19

55116 Mainz


Pfizer Manufacturing Belgium NV

Rijksweg 12

2870 Puurs


Yes twitter is compromised. Germany's role is outstanding. The government wants to take on the leadership as farmacy of the world, as speer-head in prepandamic preparedness. The whole bunch of batmen an batwomen are going to meet in Montreux in may. the conference is on nido virus. Drosten, Koopmanns and Zheng Li are going to meet. Would be nice if someone could sneak in and report. nido2023.com

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Yes, I've been wondering about that address as well. Twitter is indeed compromised. Which unfortunately means a large part of the C19 opposition is compromised as well. It is incredible that there are tweets getting literally millions of views on the "Pfizer crime of the century" with no mention whatsoever of BioNTech. As if BioNTech simply does not exists. *This* "opposition" is obviously favored and "amplified" by Twitter, whereas my work is totally throttled. This was not always so, btw. A few weeks ago, I did a reply thread pointing to this same label and there was significant non-follower engagement and up to now 16K views. Not millions, unfortunately, but not nothing. Now, radio silence - including on this article. I don't know if you saw on the Twitter feed, but I've discovered a thread of mine that is literally invisible. The individual tweets are there, but with no apparent connection to one another or to the tweet to which I was replying.

Many thanks for the tip about the Nido conference! I will check out the link.

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In order to prepare for potentially Trillions of Dollars profit from mass jabbing, Pfizer invested heavily in its Manufacturing plants in the US, including a $200 Million expansion in Andover. They bought:

Warner-Lambert for $116 billion in June 2000, Pharmacia for $60 billion in 2003

Wyeth for $68 billion in 2009, Hospira for $16 billion in 2015

Medivation for $14.3 billion in 2016

Array BioPharma for $11.2 billion in 2019

After Pfizer started manufacting Covid19 jabs they purchased Trillium Therapeutics for $2.2 billion.


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in this series a participant in the first trials done by BionTech on a site which has got ties to Bayer in Berlin describes her experience. She wondered about how this was done. She had to go there to do a Covid test the day before the trial started. The other day she went there, got the jab and spent the first night at the site (not a hospital!) then left. The only thing she had to do is note any sign (she did get heavy headache) and wondered why there was only half of a line to put some words about effects. I am not a professional, so I can''t tell if this handling is normal or not. She herself (intelligent and self reflecting) wondered about this. It makes me extremely sad how the people got hooked up (she just wanted to help lockdown being ended to go on in life) and take such a risk. Furthermore the participants didn't meet each other (due to "covid-restrictions") so they couldn't exchange experiences.

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Thanks very much. It would be nice to see more BioNTech trial participants come forward.

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Here is a podcast on public radio (SWR is in the state where BioNtech resides so this is to be looked at as an advertisement) . You find a link to the manuscript download. I don't know if this contains interesting information. https://www.swr.de/swr2/leben-und-gesellschaft/der-proband-ein-mannheimer-laesst-einen-corona-impfstoff-an-sich-testen-swr2-leben-2021-02-04-100.html

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Interesting that some generic label designs are overprinted with Suriname web addrees.

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Small correction. Your picture "A more recent product label" is not in fact current. It is a label from before Pfizer BioNTech changed the buffer from Phosphate to Tromethamine (Tris, THAM).

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Thanks. I hadn't noticed that the label still listed the Phosphate buffer. But registration of the "Comirnaty" trademark was not completed until April 2021. This means that they couldn't have used the trademark until then. So, presumably the "Pfizer-BioNTech" labels were used first, though I imagine their use also overlaps depending on markets. I wonder if they ever bothered updating the labels to reflect the switch to Tris. Do you know if they did?

See here for trademark registration: https://twitter.com/EdV1694/status/1594816051434459136?s=20

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That's why I put out a call for labels.

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Why is it almost universally referred to as a Pfizer product?

1. People know how to pronounce Pfizer, I've seen variations in pronunciation for BioNTech (byontek? bio-N-tek?)

2. You can make more pfunny word plays with Pfizer: pfake, pFauci, etc.

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Doesn't this mean that all claims for malfeasance and fraud will also be BioNTech's? If so, that means Pfizer escapes legal liability as a mere subcontractor for BioNTech while still retaining its share of the profit.

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I don’t think sub contractors would be off the hook.

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N stands for Nano



Used to be stylized as modeRNA, because the company was proud to be "modernizing" human genetics with their mRNA platform.


Basically IG Farben on steroids.

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Well, BioNTech's main production facility in Marburg, the Berhingwerke, was in fact an IG Farben subsidiary under the Third Reich. See below. https://twitter.com/EdV1694/status/1538530338384883712

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Mind blown

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did you see this intereview:


She describes that the vaccine is made in China, and arrives in four large bags put together in specified order, and bottled at the plant.

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And how did Moderna get funding originally??? Cause it was nearly dead before Covid. Hint. Modarpa would be a better name.

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Thanks for clarification on the cumbersome 'BioNTech' name.

May I add 'ComiRNAty' to complete your list?

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