Notes isn’t usable enough yet. I see a post then can never find it again. Can’t see how to search notes either. Don’t use X. Tried following a few folk. No idea what that actually does. Can I tag interesting notes so I can sort and curate them for my own amusement? Didn’t think so.

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True enough about the lack of a search function for Notes. As for as I can tell, Substack search only works for full posts. That's a definite drawback.

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I agree re: Twitter, but Notes has a lot funtionality and visibility issues too.

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The functionality is getting better. At least by now it has most of the functions that made Twitter of interest: including, for instance, the possibility of "following" a writer's notes without necessarily subscribing to the newsletter.

I don't think they're algorithmically messing with visibility. There is a recommendation algorithm for the "explore" tab and I don't always find the recommendations particularly interesting. But the issue is the "following" tab. I don't think there is any visibility filtering algo that will prevent followers from seeing my posts or non-followers from seeing my replies. That's the key. We just have to try and we'll find out. Even Twitter did not have any interest in visibility filtering. It was forced to do to satisfy the EU. And then Musk embraced the concept ("freedom of speech is not freedom of reach") and -- I would guess in direct collaboration with the EU -- took it to a whole new level of deceitfulness and infamy. Substack is undoubtedly on the EU's radar but it has not been designated by the EU Commission as a "very large online platform" falling under the direct supervision of the Commission. See here: https://brownstone.org/articles/vlops-eu-extends-censorship-powers/ So for the moment it is not part of the EU's censorship ecosystem.

We shall see...

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Hmmm, consider this.

After about fifteen years of watching and thinking about this geoengineering agenda, I began to see "visas' being shortened across the board. And I began to tell folks, "they want to lock everyone into their own nations to experiment separately on. " My experiences on the Big Isle made me realize this. And dang if I wasn't right come 2020.

I've seen how in the past twenty years, the cell phones have so changed the nature of this unique international destination. The locals , many of them, used to learn enough english to converse basically, and most visitors spoke basic rudimentary english. Now, the cell phones lock everyone into their own languages and their own groups, even the locals. The locals here now don't bother trying to converse, they are busy on their phones. Google sends folks to places with their language groups, and that's how it rolls now. More people, less connection internationally. Those damned cell phones changed everything. Just everything. used to be you'd land in this little town and know half the town by the time you 'd had a beer, some food, and figured out where to stay. Everyone had to talk to others to figure it out. That's why we all came here! Now, I'm not sure why they come. Seems cheaper to be on your cell phone all the time at home. I guess it's for the photos. the endless photos. Umbilicals, forever. Strange times.

Colon-ize: Turn a perfectly fine place into a shit hole. You can quote me.

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since I have no smart/iPhone (only an old-fashioned, uncomplicated mob.) I also don't have easy access to X and other app-able platforms. there are 2 independent journalists whose work I follow on X (on my desktop 'puter) and it requires several steps to actually access their channel. key word here is: by choice - I need to have a choice in when I access information and by whom, which is why using substack is a comfortable option. slow reads (I found your work @ the Daily Sceptic, liked it and then subb'd), with time for reflection and (sometimes) a worthwhile reaction. when I first became aware of Elon M., other than a failed rocket-shooter and successful embezzler of funding for Teslas I thought he was a hologram. his current CEO (some dragon lady with a background in mainstream media...?!) didn't inspire much faith either. so far I'm one grateful reader of your articles on substack, big TQ for all the work you do!

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Thank you! The hologram remark gave me a chuckle. I've often thought the same thing...

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Keep a close watch on what happens with Substack Notes, nevertheless. In time, the same shadow may be cast on them - if it hasn't been already.

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You’ll appreciate my X/Twitter files…

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Looks interesting indeed. You take on any major German interest on X and you get hit with a shadow ban, and T-Mobile is definitely a major German interest. Look forward to delving…

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Bingo! You might want to start with my T-Mobile expose 😉

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Did you know that Elon Musk is a direct commercial partner of the German govt, which has a major ownership stake in the mRNA company CureVac? See my article here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/05/20/elon-musks-love-affair-with-mrna/

As discussed and documented in the article, when I once tried to talk about this in a thread of replies to one of many Musk tweets touting mRNA, my reply-thread literally got torn to pieces by the algorithm and made invisible. Freedom of speech is not freedom of reach!

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Yup, I know way too much about Elon at this point. I overlooked the obvious red flags because I was brainwashed into thinking some of these people have to be good, and now I know all of them lie to us and serve a dark evil destroying humanity.

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This note is spot on. I agree wholeheartedly. We have witnessed the complete and total deterioration of Twitter/X into a vehicle for social control rather than a forum for social discourse. We know that tech oligarchs and other billionaires are controlling governments around the world, and controlling online speech is a big part of what allows them to do this. The junior high school level discourse on display in yesterday’s U.S. presidential debate, with RFK Jr. excluded, is a testament to how much power these oligarchs have. That his responses to the questions was streamed on X was nice, but more of a ploy imho because X is a business built on user data extraction and user manipulation like all other sns, What is amplified, suppressed, etc. is all a black box that only X executives control.

I have an anonymous account on X with about 200 followers. I decided to take a month off from X, and announced this at the end of May. I just logged in though and saw that my post anouncing my hiatus has had exactly 4 views, including one by what is clearly a bot that “liked” the post.

After reading Byung-Chul Han’s Infocracy, I asked myself ‘why am I giving my scrolling, clicking, posting, and reposting data to X?’ Given that what I do there has absolutely no impact on anything, my answer was that I had no answer. X is a platform for social manipulation and data collection. I was able to gather some valuable information there during COVID and for many years before, and there are still some important voices on X, but I think I am done there.

I want to read, think, discuss issues, and interact with people in good faith. I don’t want to be manipulated.

I feel that Substack is more about ideas and respectful discourse, and I hope it can stay that way and fill the gap.

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Ok. But I am dunce when it comes to notes.

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Some talk recently about Elon getting into Substack, too. Elon Alien, son of emerald mine owners. Silly sock puppet. As bizarre as ...that other one of tech. All of 'em, come to think of it. The Revenge of the Nerds is upon us. Big time.

Nothing named X could get my attention. Stenography, too evident. I'm good with substack notes, tho they don't seem to come through often. I'm not into subbing to a hundred plus stacks, tho. No time for that.

Frankly, I get bored with the high school popularity mentality of so much of this "social media". The "groups" that stick together like glue, and gang up on any different views. All seeking safety in numbers.

And it's all become a bit of a tower of babble. So many talking. I require a lot of "time out" for thinking.

Substack is sinking beneath it's new emphasis on becoming a video platform. All the little folks ain't got no more likes . I also suspect big earners here may have been offered buy-ins, with extra "powers" . Let's say to "control" what appears on substack. For several months, my acct. was frozen for some time after every post i put up. I pretty much figured that out easy. From the start I knew why and who, but dragging it out like that for months was great! Gave me the time and evidence to figure it out even better. Great Being is in charge of our enemies, too. It's all good.

So, yeah, none of it is for us to talk to one another. It's for some to make big bucks, and to "group us". Into manageable " nodes" or something. That's always who takes over. everywhere, all the time. The money makers.

When I once questioned (at SS chat, and hey, did yo notice that? SS? whoa...) lengthily what was going on, aside from the endless AI download, as soon as you're done typing, I also was replied to "Oh, If you don't charge, that makes it easier. "

Hmmm. Wonder how, and why?

The French colon-izers stated that the Potlatch Culture was "criminally insane". That's how the Euros feel about "giving away one's wealth. "

Don't get me started about Europe. Who dies by the hundreds of thousands in whose wars? That's what I finally had to learn to say to shut them up with when they'd go into their "america america, all to blame". Learn your history, I'd respond. Follow the money. They got lots. Marriage to a Swiss is highly prized in "third world we'll sell you our poor" countries.

Germany is still running the show. Big time. Your graph just yells it. Thanks for that. '

I did email James Corbett. Let's see how that goes, with the links of course. That may be where I first realized...then again, maybe not. I read everything, every relevant document. Unless it's pure bullshit from the get go. As many pharma "research/trial " papers are. A waste of paper. And I notice.

Paywalls? What hubris.

We can differentiate between the good souls and the disaster capitalists. They make it easy for us.

So much of the "professional middle class" moved online to work, and however they can make money there, they got the tools and know how. And so very many suddenly became so vocally....religious.

What a hoot.

I always wondered, and still do, what happened to the kid that stated "The emperor is naked. " We have to always be that kid. That kid is our role model. She broke the code of silence.

A big shout out to Green Hornet for linking to you in a comment section.

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Yes, I remember the talk about Musk acquiring Substack. God help us.

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LOL "God" is in Las Vegas, laying down bets on us. And airing out Donny's dirty wash.

What about this 11/9 documentary coming? Trump and the Twin Towers.

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I hardly read notes. May be once a month or so, when I think of signing in to Substack instead of signing in to each separate account. But for most accounts like Eugyppius and Jeff Childers I still have to sign in separate for some reason. And others, like yours, I can comment right away without a separate sign-in. I have no idea how come. I have never been on X or Facebook and have no idea how they work. Only read and see forwarded messages that don't need sign-in

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youve essentially described what i see - i can add more detial, because i also see extremely low impressions to retweet ratios. i recently went through my history to examine impressions/RT ratios, and it has in short collapsed over the past 12-18 months.

when tweeting on controversial topics, i regularly get 20-30 impressions added per RT, regardless of follower counts of those who RT.

it's corrupt as hell.

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Yup. This is the phenomenon of the unretweetable retweet. It doesn't matter how big the account is. There is absolutely no "multiplier effect" if the algo does not want there to be. It's so flagrantly manipulated. It's like dropping a heavy object and its not falling. See my article here: https://dailysceptic.org/2023/12/30/is-x-now-making-some-retweets-un-retweetable/

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I am trying to stick with the lists feature on twitter. Twitter is garbage now. But I still find some interesting stuff there. Recent tweet that nobody saw: "My theory on why Twitter sucks so much now, is that they suppress what they call “awful speech”. I believe that the lizards consider anything that offends them to be “awful speech”. But whatever offends them tends to be exceptional content, in my opinion. "

Here's another thing I even started a second account and every time I log into it, another 5-10 bots are following it. So then I block them and go over to my main account and block them there too.

IMO, Twitter is almost entirely bots. This is actually reassuring because it means that all the people who think they are getting attention are actually getting no attention.

This video on the subject of bots explained by Thinking Slow is great : https://rumble.com/v4v0l32-the-role-of-fake-bot-traffic-on-twitterx-alex-kriel.html?mref=umbzp&mc=dprv6

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X certainly is being manipulated. One interesting development since my account was restored is receiving unsolicited notifications from X of selected posts by people I follow, including people who have blocked me! I turned off notifications which otherwise would drive me crazy.

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I use notes. Shadow ban is here too. But not as bad. Posting memes here on Substack seems to help a lot. No doubt that is another tactic. People think that memes are for unsophisticated people and so if you post memes that will be used to discredit you. OH well! It was the only way around the shadow ban. It doesn't work for me on X, the memes, nothing works for me on X. I try to post on X just so that it can't be said that I didn't try. I regularly give birth to newborn fake pron-bots. I must be saying the right(wrong) things.

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I've been over and over this question for a long time now and quite honestly, I'm just thinking about buying a gun

*to protect my family, not to end the Babylonian banking cartel (though, if I thought that were possible, I'd consider it.. ;D )

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