Thank you. I appreciate your accurate analysis. A top 2 run-off system would be much better, but that is impossible with this leftist coalition running things. A seat-by-seat analysis would put things in better perspective and verify everything you wrote here.

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Mind you, that could be rigged as well. One leader just instructs their voters to vote for one of the candidates, in return for a covert 'agreement' of positions in the new government. There are more ways than one of killing a cat, or srewing the electorate...

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Yes, but it makes the manipulation more costly and less effective. We can only reduce. Whenever there are three or more people cheating in elections is possible.

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My goodness. Sounds like the US got it's "electoral college" from La France.

How Democracy Is Made To Fail: "WHO"? counts the votes.

"don't vote, it only encourages them"

tweedledum or tweedledee, which shall it be?

stay tuned to your tv

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So, basically the banksters (Rothschilds et al) pretty much own all major political parties and create an illusion of democracy. They've been doing these for centuries and the masses still swallow it up like a cheap slut on prom night.

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I see you have good taste and prefer expensive "sluts/slits"

Yep, It's all pornography. Nothing wrong with that, right?

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We have to elevate our thinking from the mundane levels. Just posted this version of events last night. In Kogon's interpretation, the next level is missing in his analysis. Why were events so obviously orchestrated in France? Come on, folks. Wake up. What's the cause of the Uber-Left in France rioting when they WON? What's the result of their rioting? How does it impact or disturb the populace? It's an intimidation tactic. And who funds the Uber-Left in America? People say Soros...but it's the same clique in France. You've got to start questioning when events don't make sense. https://sunlotus17.substack.com/p/how-can-we-tell-when-weve-been-played

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"Mission Accomplie!"


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Klaus: "come here, sweetie, I've got something for you...."

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The Luciferian Globalist Scumbags have all the money and barins (amply fortified by Old Nick in exchange for their souls) to call the shots, by hook or by crook. Expect nothing but bribery, corruption and every evil under God's sun to emanate ftom these'Sevants of the Prince of this world'. We must try to cambat them, but like the 'Myth of Sisyphus, we have our work cut out. Jesus, you're Seconf Coming is awaited with great anticipation.

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Let's hope he's not just breathing hard.

Last I heard from him, he wasn't planning another embodied crucifixion, ever.

You'll have to be satisfied with your yearly remembrance.

He can't remember ever saying "eat my flesh and drink my blood"

He's quite sure he never would say that.

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It makes me wonder whether the Republicans refused an accommodation with RT because they didn’t want to be seen as ideologically tainted by “The Far Right” (TM) or, what is more likely they were offered a bribe by Macron et al, most likely the unopposed passing of some choice piece of otherwise distasteful Republican policy later on. It’s called politics so we are supposed to get over it.

Having said that, you might have been labouring up to now under the illusion that the French version of the Proportional Representation system of voting was still fairer than the glaringly unrepresentative ‘First Past the Post’ system exercised in the UK.

That unfairness was recently highlighted in the UK General Election where the Liberal Democrat party polled 3.5 million votes and won 71 seats, and “The Far Right” (TM) Reform party was rewarded with only 5 seats having polled 4.1 million votes. Sounding familiar?

The problem for French representative democracy now is that whereas under the PR system strategic alliances are supposed to be made AFTER the results are declared to create some parity of influence reflecting voter numbers, the system is being now corrupted by shameless politicing and manoeuvring BEFORE the election.

This is a bad day for Democratic government.

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The smirking self satisfaction in the photo says it all.

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It's not a smirk. She is suffering from partial facial paralysis or "Bell's Palsy". It's completely obvious but no one talks about it. Or rather: people must be talking about it -- I mean in French -- but their comments are being scrubbed from social media. I think it must be so on X notably. It's unbelievable.

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Another sacrifice for the common good, compliments of the STILL experimental mRNA injections, the Sheep Med.

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It looks like it. She’s multivaxed by her own admission. If there were annother explanation people would be allowed to see her disability.

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Robert - OT but substack is a mess.  You comment and then you logon and then your comment disappears in the ether. This happens every time you use a different or anonymous browser or VPN. They use Zendesk, so nothing gets fixed because they remove orgs from their customers pretending they know your biz, but instead they kill it. Thats why I quit them. They are a cancer moving across the internet and are nearly as bad anything else.  We have to let every company we do business with to cancel them or we cancel. Companies sign their lives away to them secretly hoping you don't know because they hide behind their company email address, but its often these people. Alternative is not ever being able to contact companies and orgs you send money to and that outcome is never good for consumers because you end up wasting time with people that know nothing about the product or service they are "helping with".

That's reason #287 why I despise our Fascist one world Govt.

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Sheep Medicine. That is a perfect descriptor for the jabs.

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Naw, the women hatred is most believable. The internet is saturated with it.

Porn being the largest internet earner, out-earning all other media combined, for decades now.

Ever read the "Malleus Maleficarum"?

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