Excellent work, great delving.

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You ask, at the end of your Brownstone report: "Why does the ample evidence of manifold German connections to and indeed involvement in virus research in Wuhan not merit at least the same degree of scrutiny, if not to say of certainty?"

(I highly recommend reading the linked report.)

I'd guess the answer is:

It's because the German press, like their American counterparts, know well -- and are likely often reminded, that there are certain facts about past and present political leaders that are to remain unavailable to the general public, depending upon each leader's party affiliation.

(No wonder you write under nom de plume.)

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Yes, but I mean: Why doesn’t the rest of the world pay attention? You’re right that the mainstream German media does not, but some, unfortunately quite obscure, alternative media have done excellent work, and I’ve learned a lot from them and some smaller German Twitter accts as well. (The larger German Twitter accts tweeting in English tend to be useless in this regard.) But why does the rest of the world ignore the German links? Actually, the question was somewhat rhetorical. Many of the links will simply have been unknown, having been hidden behind the veil of the German language. But something else is going on as well. As far as I can tell, this article has thus far had about the least reach and impact of anything I’ve published on Brownstone. Maybe a tie with the previous one I published on the “EU Files” and what Musk is not saying about Twitter censorship. It’s weird, frankly, and I do wonder whether it’s not in part the result of Twitter censorship, i.e. in the now preferred form of “visibility filtering”. Or maybe the ether is so saturated with misinformation that actual information cannot get through. Who knows…

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I struggle with these same questions every day. It's utterly frustrating. I don't have a lot of time to research every new revelation from dependable sources but I CARVE OUT the time because it's important.

I was stunned to read your statement that your most recent Brownstone piece (and the one on the EU Files) had the LEAST reach and impact. I didn't see that information anywhere else. Don't Germans and Americans want to know what Angela Merkel was doing in Wuhan, of all places, on a significant date on the timeline of the Wuhan cover-up?

Maybe we're just ahead of the curve on this but every day that passes while Americans (and Germans) continue to ignore the available reporting on recent historical facts is another day we slip into tacit agreement with medical and governmental authoritarianism.

Please don't give up on your work. Its value is not determined by its readership, or (current) impact.

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Thanks for the encouragement. It's appreciated and sometimes, frankly, needed. I don't think it's a matter of being ahead of the curve. My 3rd-to-last Brownstone article was all over the place, and earlier articles have also generated a big response. I don't mean to be arrogant, but I think my last articles are simply being censored: i.e. having their reach artificially limited in particular on Twitter. They should have been bombshells, but in terms of reach they have turned out to be duds. I have no other explanation, and in particular re. the "EU Files", it's not hard to understand why Musk and Twitter would have an interest in censoring it - in particular in the run-up to the farcical House Committee hearing. Musk has never acknowledged any of my writings on Twitter and EU censorship, even though the prior ones did indeed have a large impact, if albeit an ephemeral one. He could say no I'm wrong. But in fact he has no answer. So, the better response is to simply pretend I don't exist and now, it would seem, to ensure I'm more or less invisible online. This was already the case for my Twitter account, but it seems now to have been extended to my articles. It's beyond annoying. In my previous incarnation, I earned a crust writing. For a writer to have his or her reach overtly or *especially* covertly limited, directly impacts his or her livelihood. It's criminal.

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I hate to say this, but the reason why this is ignored is actually ignorance. In my conversations with US peers where I point out the large prevalence of German actors in all this - Merkel, von der Leyen, Schwab, Drosten, Schwartlander, Sahin - they all brush it away as if it's impossible that contemporary Germany might be up to something again, and surely Americans are smart enough to detect if anything like that happened, so conversely if their radar doesn't ping like crazy it must mean there's no signal but noise.

And then there's the constant amplification of Russia and China, which I believe to be a distraction. Yes, there is large-scale cooperation behind the scenes, but this also drowns out all involvement by Germans.

Similar to the distraction by the lab *leak*, where articles of "lab leaks" and "lab accidents" drown out the more obvious explanation: not a leak but lab culture and subsequent release at the Military World Games in healthy, young athletes.

Which was the point of Merkel's visit at the hospital: she wanted to have first-hand assurances that the virus is not lethal and that all infected recover fully. That's why the plan was to infect all athletes at the games a month later, let them leave into their communities instead of confining them in quarantine, and saturate the entire planet until PCR testing is rolled out at scale in March 2020, creating the illusion of a pandemic spreading uncontrollably.

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Yes, ignorance is certainly part of it, I'm afraid. You're not wrong about that. Especially ignorance specifically about Germany, but kind of about the whole world indeed. But recently a lot of artificial reach suppression too. Plus a ton of targeted misinformation, as you say on China, also on the US's own DOD, which, if I've understood the theory du jour correctly, was apparently trying to kill its own citizens and maybe the rest of humanity to boot. Or something like that. I still don't know why. All of that makes the German/EU details disappear...

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you missed an important part.

When Merkel visited Wuhan she also appeared at a ceremony at Webasto, a German car OEM with a few thousand employees worldwide. Not a company like Bosch or Siemens, who also happen to be present in the Wuhan province, but Webasto. Nobody knows that company.

In early 2020 Germany's patient zero appeared in Germany. That patient travelled from Wuhan to Hong Kong, then flew to Germany. This patient zero had flu symptoms, and she reported those symptoms to the WHO research team that just happened to rush to investigate patient zero.

Who led the team? Christian Drosten. He later claimed he made a mistake when reporting that she had no symptoms, but somehow his addendum was lost and so the narrative was established that COVID spreads asymptomatically.

Now take a guess where patient zero was employed?

At Webasto.

Now take another guess of which organization the CEO of Webasto was a member of just a week before Merkel visited Wuhan? The World Economic Forum.

Alas, shortly before her visit the CEO of Webasto stepped down for unknown reasons.

All of this was published on Substack a while ago. Apparently the BND and BSI monitor Substack, so just a day after publication German tabloid BILD ran a story diluting the facts and framing Merkel as a village idiot who just happened to stumble into the lion's den.


Notice how they frame this. This article was written by the BND, released through the dpa which has embedded BND agents, and reworded slightly by BILD. Damage control, just a day after all of this was leaked on Substack.

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Very belated reply. But, yes, I knew about the Webasto aspect and you're right that it's a very big part of the story. It's an aspect that undoubtedly deserves an article in its own right. Could you point me to the Substack post you mention? My above article also drew an, as you say, diluted response - the French call it "drowning the fish" - though on Substack. Don't know if you saw it...

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This may well all go back to the very powerful families who are in control of most world events. Many of them are based in Germany, not that national boundaries mean much to them.

"We often hear about the influences of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, but these people are merely your typical lackeys when you actually look at it. They are the bottom of the totem pole. If you’re looking at the powerful people, you can talk about the House of Braganza; you talk about the House of Orange and the House of Hapsburg.

These people have unimaginable wealth. You measure it not in billions but in trillions of dollars. I have a document from the Krupp family of Germany. One banking statement, just one account on one day, and there’s a 112 trillion dollars on that account. That’s the kind of money that the Bill Gates of this world… well, they’re not even lackeys. They are nothing, because again what they have is just pocket change for these people".


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