Did German Authorities Make Mannheim Attack Victim a Target by Labelling Him an “Enemy of Islam”?
Speaking with the journalist Julian Reichelt from his hospital bed in an intensive care unit last week, Michael Stürzenberger, the main target of the recent Mannheim knife attack, discussed whether it was not in fact German authorities which made him into a target for the Afghan assailant by labelling him an “enemy of Islam”. It is not hard to appreciate how designating someone as such would amount to painting a bullseye on him or her for Islamic radicals.
And yet this is exactly what German — more precisely, Bavarian — authorities did to Stürzenberger, who, incidentally, strenuously rejects the label. Do the authorities have “blood on their hands”, as Julian Reichelt put it?
For the details, see my new article at The Daily Sceptic here.
The answer is a resounding yes. The radical atheists (Socialists) and radical theists (Islamicists) are allies out of hatred in their war against our Judeo-Christian roots, traditions, institutions, and culture. Only the sentimental aping Christianity are blinded to the dangers.
Certainly seems like it.